Wednesday, November 5, 2014

We're moving to Facebook...

Pennyrile Lake in Early October
If you enjoyed this blog in the past please bookmark our new Facebook page:  We will be posting similar content on the new page, as well as more information and photographs about all aspects of the park.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Color Fall Week 4 at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

View from the Church Shelter (Week 4)
The forest is a glow with color at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park. Many tree species are at or past peak, but many of the Oaks still have not changed. Ash, Hickories, and Tulip Poplar are showing off nice yellows and golds.  The Sumac on the roadsides are still wearing bright reds. The forest as a whole is probably at between 50 to 75% color change. Color should be wonderful this weekend for the park's Spooky Extravaganza!

To see all the beautiful photographs of the area that were taken during fall photography weekend  Click Here

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Color Fall Week 3 and photos from Week 2 & 3

View from the Church Shelter (Week 3)
A dappling of fall color is showing up at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park. This week we are beginning to see brilliant yellows in some of the many hickory trees at the park. Currently we are at 25-30% color change, but it could be closer to 50% by the weekend. Some of the most showy tree species so far are Blackgum (past peak) and Sourwood, both are showing beautiful reds. Flowering Dogwood, Sassafras, Sumac, Black Walnut, Catalpa, the Maples, the Hickories, and Tulip Poplars are also showing color. We are beginning to see some change in the forest interior. Many of the Oaks are still very green. Peak fall color is expected to be mid to late October.
Want to see more photographs of  Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park go to: and give us a like to keep in touch with us.

Fall color should be nice for Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park's Fall Photography Weekend October 17-19, 2014. You can register at the park's lodge lobby beginning at 2PM on Friday October 17th.

Click to see more photos of the color change at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

ColorFall Report Week One Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

View from behind the park's Church Shelter (Week One)

Hints of fall color are beginning to be found in the forest at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park.  Some of the most showy tree species so far are Blackgum and Sourwood, both are showing beautiful reds. Flowering Dogwood, Sassafrass, Sumac, Black Walnut, Catalpa, the Maples, and Tulip Poplar are also showing color. Most of the color is being on the edges of the forest.  The forest interior is still holding on to green. Current color change is approximately 5 to 10%. 

Fall color should be nice for Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park's Fall Photography Weekend October 17-19, 2014. Online registration is available at

To see how fall color is progressing across the state go to 

More Photographs of week one ColorFall at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park Below

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Run through the Forest 5K on September 20, 2014 the Results

 Fifty-five runners took part in the third annual Run through the Forest 5K on September 20, 2014.  The overall winners were: Male Nathan Filip Age 30 who came in first overall with a time of 21:45:00 and Female Leslie Thompson Age 35 who came in forth over all with a time of 24:33:00.

Thanks to everyone who came out to run or to volunteer to help put on a great race.  We also want to thank the following for their support of the race through their donations of door prizes and/or race bag items:

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Be on the look out for white-tailed deer fawns.

While hiking on the Clifty creek trail at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park I spotted a fawn taking a drink from a shallow pool in Clifty creek. It looked up at me as if it was trying to figure out what I was. After taking a few photos with my camera, it decided I was scary and ran away.

Just a few days later I found myself racing a fawn while driving to work this morning.  I slowed to a stop and let it cross the road to get to safety.

If you happen along a fawn while enjoying the outdoors, please leave it alone.  Fawns are left alone by their mothers for long periods of time, while the does forage.  The doe will come back to nurse her fawn periodically throughout the day.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Beach Reopened

The beach at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park is back up and running again.

The beach was closed temporarily from June 5-13 while work was done to fix the severe erosion that was caused by heavy rains on June 4th.

Recreation Opportunities June 16-22, 2014 at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Heavy Rains Cause Temporary Beach Closure at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

 Heavy rains have forced Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park to temporarily close the beach on Pennyrile Lake for safety reasons until repairs can be made.

The rains Wednesday night caused erosion that washed out gullies on the beach. It’s not known how long the beach will be closed.

The beach is closed, but the area will remain open for boat rentals, fishing, shelter use, and hiking the lake trail. 

Recreational Opportunities June 2-8, 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Recreational Opportunities for May 26 through June 1, 2014

Celebrate National Trails Day with us on June 7, 2014

Family enjoying a hike on the Lake Trail.
Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park will be celebrating the American Hiking Society's National Trails Day with two trail hike on June 7th.

The first hike begins at 9:00 A.M. at the park's lodge lobby.  This hike will last approximately two hours. We plan to hike the Lake Trail.

The second hike will start at 6:00 P.M. at the park's lodge lobby.  It will be a shorter hike that will last approximately one hour. It will cover the Clifty Creek and Indian Bluff trails.

For more information online go to:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Spring Wildflower Update and Derby Day Celebration

Black Locust
Virginia Spiderwort
Spring is well on its way at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park. Trees with notable flowers are the Flowering Dogwood, which should hold its blooms through the weekend, and Black Locust, which are just beginning to bloom. Throughout the park the following flowers have been seen in bloom: Dwarf Dandelion, Bluets, Small Bluets, Yellow Wood Sorrel, Long-leaf Bluet, Violet Wood Sorrel, Lyre-leaved Sage, and Philadelphia Fleabane. Two notable wildflowers that can be found on the park's Indian Bluff Trail are Virginia Spiderwort and Pennywort.

The most notable migrating songbird to be spotted at the park is the Rose-breasted Grosbeak.The best place to spot the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks at the park is at the bird feeders around the dining room. Several species of birds are nesting in the park.  Northern Rough-winged Swallows are nesting in the sandstone cliffs near the park's beach. American Robins, Chipping Sparrows, Eastern Bluebirds, and Eastern Phoebes are nesting in various locations around the park.

This weekend Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park is hosting the second annual Derby Day Celebration.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring Photography Weekend 2014: The Results

Best in Show Spring Photography Weekend 2014 Rennan Quijano of Madisonville, Kentucky
As always the photographers that participated in Spring Photography Weekend turned in some wonderful photographs.  The judges Gross Magee and Lowell Mendyk  had some tough decisions to make. In the end a tiny snail won the honor of "Best in Show."

You can view all the 1st through 4th place winners from spring photography weekend 2014 clicking here.

To see the entire list of winners click the read more button below.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

American Holly is a treat for many birds @ Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

Pileated Woodpecker in American Holly
Can you find the bird enjoying berries from the American holly tree?

Nestled in the branches devouring this wonderful midwinter snack is a Pileated Woodpecker. On Saturday Afternoon (2/22/2014) I spotted a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers both at the tree and a Northern Mockingbird.  Several years ago I saw a flock of American Robins eating holly berries around the same time of year.

Pileated Woodpecker

The Pileated Woodpecker is the largest woodpecker that can be seen at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park.  If you don't see it you are likely to hear it drumming. For more information on the Pileated Woodpecker go to

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Oil Painting Weekend: the final touches.

Left to Right: Lisa Weakley, Cheri Deffendoll, Gregory Baumgart, and Janie Chappell
The foursome made the trip from Indiana to paint at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park
On February 22-23, 2014 twenty-four paintings were created at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park. On Saturday the class painted the view from the lake overlook at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park.

On Sunday a smaller class painted a country scene with a barn. The painters were from all different skill levels.  Some have painted and use our class to get motivated to paint more, other have are looking for a new hobby and use the class to see if painting is something they would enjoy.    We hope to offer the weekend again in February 2015.
Carolyn Stephens of Providence, Kentucky with her first ever finished painting.

Girlfriend Getaway Cancelled

We have cancelled the Girlfriend Getaway Weekend that was scheduled for February 28-March 2nd.  We needed a minimum of 15 participants and we did not meet our minimum.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Getaway at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

Valentine's Getaway Dinner
Over twenty couples joined us for our Valentine's Getaway package this year.  The couples enjoyed a romantic dinner with piano music.  They played the Not-so-Newlywed Game for prizes which included a free one night stay certificate. 

Valentine's Getaway Couples Hike on Indian Bluff Trail

Valentine's Getaway Couples Hike 2/15/2014
On Saturday the group ventured out in the cold for a couples hike on the Indian Bluff and Pennyrile Nature Trail.

The entire group posed for a photo under the sandstone cliff on the Indian Bluff Trail.

Pennyrile Nature Trail 2/15/2014
Next, the hikers enjoyed a short portion of the Pennyrile Nature Trail. Winter hiking is great at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park.  Hiking stick is recommended and be careful of icy patches in the trail.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Loads to do at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park this February!

Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park is hosting three Special Event Weekends in February!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Thirty-five hikers joined us for our First Day Hike

We were thrilled to have such a good turnout for our first ever First Day Hike.  There were 12 hikers who participated in the 10 AM hike.  They hiked the Indian Bluff Trail, Clifty Creek Trail, and a small portion of the Pennyrile Nature Trail. The noon hike had 23 participants and they hiked the Cane Trail, and a portion of the Lake Trail.  The weather couldn't have been better. We plan to offer another group hike for Valentines on February 15th. Hope to see you there!

10 AM First Day Hikers before the hike

10 AM First Day Hikers crossing the dam 

10 AM First Day Hikers on the Indian Bluff Trail

Noon First Day Hikers crossing the dam

Noon First Day Hikers on the Lake Trail

Noon First Day Hikers on the Lake Trail

Noon First Day Hikers After the Hike