Crossvine |
While hiking the Lake Trail and the Clifty Creek Trail on the park the following wildflowers were seen: Daisy Fleabane, Ragwort, Bluets, Rue Anemone, Yellow Stargrass (Lake Trail), Crested Dwarf Iris (Lake trail), Bluestar, Pussy Toes, Spring Beauty, Violet sp., Dwarf Dandelion, Alumroot, Dwarf Larkspur (Lake Trail), Blue Phlox, Buttercup sp., Violet Wood Sorrel, Sweet Cicely, and Jacob's Ladder. One notable wildflower on the Indian Bluff Trail is the beautiful Virginia Spiderwort. Lyre-leaved Sage can be seen blooming in many locations throughout the park. Crossvine (pictured above) is a beautiful trumpet shaped flower that can be seen blooming on the sides of a tree trunk. Blackberry is also beginning to bloom throughout the park and forest.
Wildlife spotted or heard on the trails this week include: Fence lizard, Ground Skink, Five-lined Skink, Green Snake, Eastern Wood Peewee, Eastern Phoebe, Summer Tanager, Scarlet, Tanager, Chipping Sparrow, Eastern Bluebird, Carolina Wren, Ovenbird, and American Goldfinch.
A guided interpretive hike of the park's Lake Trail is being offered as part of the Trail Town celebration on May 9th in Dawson Springs, Kentucky. A van shuttle in Dawson Springs, Kentucky will take hikers to the park at 1:30PM.