Monday, December 30, 2013

Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park's First Day Hike is a great way to start the New Year off on the right foot!

Sandstone Cliffs off the Lake Trail
Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park
If you just now found out about Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park's First Day Hike, it is not too late to sign-up.  We are offering free guided hikes at 10 AM and Noon.  Due to flooding on the lake trail we will probably hike the Cane trail and part of the Lake trail or the Pennyroyal trail and part of the Lake trail.

To sign-up email me at or call 1-800-325-1711.

If the weather forecast is correct it will be a wonderful day to be outside!

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Santa has rescheduled his visit to the park to December 15, 2013.

Due to the Winter Storm Warning we have rescheduled Santa Visits the Park until Sunday December 15, 2013.  Santa will be available for free photos from 2-4PM.  The gift shop will have an open house all day with a 25% off discount. Come see all the beautiful holiday decorations and do a little shopping, too.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

ColorFall Week 6 Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

Pennyrile Lake October 30, 2013
Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park should reach peak color this weekend. The oaks, which are usually the last family of trees to change have begun to show color. Currently the park and the surrounding state forest are at approximately 75% color change. Some of the trees that showed color early in the season have already lost their leaves. We are seeing some fall color in poison ivy and Virginia creeper vines that can be seen climbing trunks of trees. Many of the blackgums and sourwoods are showing off their peak reds.  Sassafras is turning shades of red and orange. Flowering dogwoods are turning shades of purple and red. Maples in the area are showing off red, orange, and yellow.   We expect some fall color to hold through early November.

Flowering Dogwood beside the Lodge Meeting Room

Flowering Dogwood is this week's showcase tree.  Flowering dogwood is a small shade tolerant tree that can be found across Kentucky.  The tree is beautiful in the fall due to its red or purple-red fall foliage.  In the spring it has pretty white cross shaped flowers.  The wood of the hard and extremely shock resistant which is why it used to be used for weaving shuttles. Native Americans used the aromatic bark and roots for a remedy to malaria.  They also extracted red dye from the trees roots.

Friday, October 25, 2013

ColoFall Report Week 5 Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park is a wonderful place to see fall color this season. Currently the park and the surrounding state forest are at approximately 50% color change with the forest edges showing more colorful trees than the forest interior. We are seeing some fall color in poison ivy and Virginia creeper vines that can be seen climbing trunks of trees. Many of the blackgums and sourwoods are showing off their peak reds.  Sassafras is turning shades of red and orange. Flowering dogwoods are turning shades of purple and red. Catalpa, ash, black walnut, sycamore, and the state tree, tulip poplar are beginning to turn shades of chartreuse and yellow.  Winged Sumac is also turning red along the camper's trace trail.   We are predicting peak color to appear in late October.

This weekend the park will be hosting a Spooky Extravaganza with lots of fun Halloween programs for all are guests. For more information about this even and other events at our park contact us at 1-800-325-1711, or go to .

Friday, October 18, 2013

Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park's ColorFall Report Week 4

Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park is a wonderful place to see fall color this season. Currently the park and the surrounding state forest are at approximately 25% color change with the forest edges showing more colorful trees than the forest interior. We are seeing some fall color in poison ivy and Virginia creeper vines that can be seen climbing trunks of trees. Many of the blackgums and sourwoods are showing off their peak reds.  Sassafras is turning shades of red and orange. Flowering dogwoods are turning shades of purple and red. Catalpa, ash, black walnut, sycamore, and the state tree, tulip poplar are beginning to turn shades of chartreuse and yellow.  Winged Sumac is also turning red along the camper's trace trail.   We are predicting peak color to appear in late October.

Winged Sumac
Winged Sumac is this week's showcase plant.  Winged Sumac is a small tree that is often found on the edges of open fields.  At Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park it can be found on the Camper's Trace Trail, as well behind the "caution high cliff" fence behind the lodge near the pool area. The tree shows off beautiful shades of crimson in the fall. The fruit of Winged Sumac was once used by Native Americans to make a drink that tastes similar to lemonade.

Groundhog AKA Woodchuck
No trip to Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park is complete without a sighting of our resident groundhogs.  They can often be seen feeding on grass and clover in our lawns, as well as occasional nibbling on flowers in our flower beds.

Fall events to look for at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park include: Photography Weekend October 18-20, 2013 and Spooky Extravaganza (aka Halloween Campout) October 25-27, 2013. For more information about events go to

Thursday, October 3, 2013

ColorFall Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park Week Two

Pennyrile Lake October 3, 2013
Fall is in the early stages at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park. We are seeing some fall color in poison ivy and Virginia creeper vines that can be seen climbing trunks of trees.  Blackgum trees are speckled with red leaves.  Sassafras is turning shades of red and orange. Flowering dogwoods are turning shades of purple and red. Catalpa, ash, black walnut, sycamore, and the state tree tulip poplar are beginning to turn shades of chartreuse and yellow.  Winged Sumac is also turning red along the camper's trace trail.  The forest as a whole is still very green with some color showing up on the edges.  We are predicting peak color to appear in mid to late October.

Virginia Creeper at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

Virginia Creeper is this week's showcase plant.  Virginia Creeper is a vine with five leaflets.  It is common throughout the area and is often misidentified as poison oak.  Virginia Creeper is harmless.  This vine has beautiful fall color as demonstrated in this photograph.

Fall events to look for at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park include: Photography Weekend October 18-20, 2013 and Spooky Extravaganza (aka Halloween Campout) October 25-27, 2013. For more information about events go to

Thursday, September 26, 2013

ColorFall Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park Week One

Pennyrile Lake at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park
Autumn is just beginning at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park.  We are seeing some fall color in poison ivy and Virginia creeper vines that can be seen climbing trunks of trees.  Blackgum trees are speckled with red leaves.  Catalpa, ash, black walnut and sycamore are beginning to turn shades of chartreuse and yellow.  Winged Sumac is also turning red along the camper's trace trail.  The forest as a whole is still very green.  We are predicting peak color to appear in mid to late October.

Cottage 513 at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park 9/26/2013

Fall events to look for at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park include: Photography Weekend October 18-20, 2013 and Spooky Extravaganza (aka Halloween Campout) October 25-27, 2013. For more information about events go to

Red Maple beside Pennyrile Lake at Pennyrile Forest State Resort ParkThis week's showcase tree is a red maple tree that is showing off some fall color early in the season.  The tree is growing beside Pennyrile Lake.  In a few weeks it will be completely red. Fall is a beautiful time of year at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park!

To see ColorFall Reports from locations across Kentucky go to

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Run through the Forest 5K Run/fun walk 9/21/2013

Runners racing up the hill during the 2012 Run through the Forest.
Run through the Forest 5K run/fun walk will be held at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park this Saturday September 21, 2013.  The race will begin promptly at 7:30AM.

Fees: Walk $20 day of race
          Run $25 day of race

Registration is available online at
Participants may also register on site the day of the race. Printable Registration Form

This race is part of the Western Kentucky State Parks Race Series.  Other races include: 
Oct 26 @ Lake Barkley, Nov 9 @ KY Dam Village, and Dec 14 @ John James Audubon. To register for the entire series contact Lisa Deavers at

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Summer Recreation Programming Begins this Weekend

Below is a copy of our Memorial Day Weekend Recreation Schedule.  From Memorial Day to Labor Day we will be programming on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  We will also offer Senior Bingo on Wednesdays throughout the summer.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Albino Squirrel Takes Up Residence at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park
Albino Squirrel by Troy Smoot
 Albinism is a genetic trait characterized by the complete or partial loss of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes. Albinism is a trait that can be seen in any type of vertebrate.  In some species of animals albinos do not live as long as others of their kind because they are more susceptible to being eaten by a predator.

The albino squirrel that has been seen at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park has a complete lack of pigment.  The squirrel is an Eastern Gray Squirrel.  It has been seen interacting with other squirrels.  They do not seem to notice that it is different.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Spring Wildflower and Wildlife Report May 4, 2013 Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park


While hiking the Lake Trail and the Clifty Creek Trail on the park the following wildflowers were seen: Daisy Fleabane, Ragwort, Bluets, Rue Anemone, Yellow Stargrass (Lake Trail), Crested Dwarf Iris (Lake trail), Bluestar, Pussy Toes, Spring Beauty, Violet sp., Dwarf Dandelion, Alumroot, Dwarf Larkspur (Lake Trail), Blue Phlox, Buttercup sp., Violet Wood Sorrel, Sweet Cicely, and Jacob's Ladder.  One notable wildflower on the Indian Bluff Trail is the beautiful Virginia Spiderwort. Lyre-leaved Sage can be seen blooming in many locations throughout the park. Crossvine (pictured above) is a beautiful trumpet shaped flower that can be seen blooming on the sides of a tree trunk. Blackberry is also beginning to bloom throughout the park and forest.

Wildlife spotted or heard on the trails this week include: Fence lizard, Ground Skink, Five-lined Skink, Green Snake, Eastern Wood Peewee, Eastern Phoebe, Summer Tanager, Scarlet, Tanager, Chipping Sparrow, Eastern Bluebird, Carolina Wren, Ovenbird, and American Goldfinch.

A guided interpretive hike of the park's Lake Trail is being offered as part of the  Trail Town celebration on May 9th in Dawson Springs, Kentucky.  A van shuttle in Dawson Springs, Kentucky will take hikers to the park at 1:30PM.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Spring Photography Weekend Results

Best in Show 2013 Jessica Evitts of Beechmont, Kentucky
Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park hosted their Spring Photography Weekend on April 19-21, 2013.  To see the rest of the contest winners click here.

Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park also hosts a Fall Photography Weekend.  It will be held October 18-20, 2013. Online registration is available at For more information about Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park's Photography Weekends call 1-800-325-1711 or click here to email the naturalist.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spring Wildflower Season is Underway at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

Wild Geranium
While on your way to Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park you will notice Eastern Redbud trees in full bloom on the roadsides.  Flowering Dogwoods are also beginning to bloom.

On the Clifty Creek Trail the following species of wildflowers were found blooming: Virginia Bluebells, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Spring Beauty, Small Flowered Bluets, Early Saxifrage, Violet Wood Sorrel, Rue Anemone, Violet sp., Cut-leaf Toothwort, Prairie Trillium  Blue Phlox, Bluets, Star Chickweed, Buttercup sp., Ragwort, and Wild Geranium.

Wildlife seen and heard while on the trail include: Yellow-shafted Flicker, Eastern Bluebird,

Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring and Summer Special Event at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

Spring & Summer Special Events at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

For more information on any of the following events call 1-800-325-1711 and ask for recreation or email

Abigal McGregor with the Easter Bunny

 Easter Eggcitement  

Date: March 31    Time: Noon - 6:00 PM
Make Easter Eggciting at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park! Schedule (Central Time): 12:00 PM-4:00 PM Buffet in Dining Room, 1:30 PM Easter Bunny Pictures ($2/picture) at lodge, 2:30 PM Free Easter Egg Hunt at lodge. Events will go on rain or shine! The egg hunt is sponsored by the Friends of Pennyrile.

Spring Photography Weekend 2012 Best in Show by Timothy Blair 

Photography Weekends  

Dates: April 19-21 or Oct. 18-20     Time: 2 P.M. Friday - Noon Sunday
We strive to not only put on a good contest, but also to present information that will help participants become better photographers.  Photographs may be taken anywhere within the state park and forest. Bring your own camera. Registration: $35. Register at least one week before the event and get a $5 discount. Children 16 and under pay just $10. Lodging discount available. Online registration is available at:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Watchable Wildlife March 15, 2013

Red-headed Wood Pecker by Tom Wortham
On Friday March 15th we had an unseasonably warm day here at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park.  I took the opportunity to check the lake trail, a 2.25 mile trail around Pennyrile Lake.  The trail was in pretty good shape, only a few trees to step over from winter storms.

The following is a list of wildlife that I saw/heard during my hike: Eastern Phoebe, Carolina Chickadee, Carolina wren, Tufted Titmouse, Dark-eyed Junco, American Robin, Yellow-shafted Flicker, Red-headed Woodpecker, Red bellied Woodpecker, Wood Duck, Belted Kingfisher, Spring Peeper, Upland Chorus Frog, Southern Leopard Frog, Red-eared Slider, and Common Garter Snake.

Spring is on the way!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Oil Painting Weekend

Lisa Peek and Martha Davis pose with their finished paintings
Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park has hosted Oil Painting Weekend for over five years. In that time approximately 124 paintings have been created. 

If you've always wanted to learn how to paint, this is the weekend event for you! Learn the wet-on-wet method, made famous by Bob Ross, of oil painting by creating your very own 16x20 landscape painting. Our instructor, Bonita Mallory, will demonstrate her talents Friday night then instruct the class on
Saturday and Sunday.
Fees are: $65 for one class & Friday night program or $120 for two classes & the Friday night program. All materials are include in the fees. 

All the participants have to do is show up wearing clothes they don't mind getting paint on. Participants also will need to make sure that they have room in their vehicles to bring home a wet oil painting.  It can take up to seven days for a painting to dry completely.

We currently have room for 3 more participants in the Saturday class and 11 more participants in the Sunday class.

For more information contact Rebecca E. Clark at 1-800-325-1711 or

To register for painting classes online click here.